If you look up music for lsd on Google, you probably found several links to the same page saying that a Reddit community was the “first” to compile a list of songs that are claimed to contain hidden messages. If you play them with your eyes closed and listen, you may notice some sounds that do not fit with the song as a whole.
In this article, I will talk about “Music For Lsd”. Let’s start.
Wagner : “Liebestod” (From “Tristan Und Isolde”)
Wagner : “Liebestod” (From “Tristan Und Isolde”)
Wagner’s famous love duet from his opera Tristan und Isolde is a good choice if you want to make your date feel like they’re floating on air. This song is full of emotion and has been used in many movies and television shows. The song is originally sung by an opera singer and can be difficult for some people to understand, but it’s worth the effort!
I recently had the pleasure of doing a live set for a private LSD party in Los Angeles. The host, who will remain nameless, had arranged for me to play at his house and he provided me with all the necessary equipment. I was also given carte blanche to play any music I wanted.
I decided to take my time and think about what I wanted to play. I looked through all my records and CDs and found myself drawn toward a particular genre: German Romanticism.
The Liebestod from Tristan und Isolde is one of the most beautiful pieces of music ever written. Wagner was writing this opera when he was near death from syphilis and it’s hard not to hear references to his impending doom in the music itself. It’s a perfect example of German Romanticism because it combines beautiful melodies with an obsessive attention to detail (the whole opera takes place over only two days). The Liebestod has all these elements that make it so great: a beautiful melody, complex harmony, interesting orchestration and so on.
Beethoven: String Quartet No. 16 In F Major, Op. 135
Beethoven: String Quartet No. 16 In F Major, Op. 135
Duration: 10 minutes 45 seconds
A more recent addition to the repertoire is Beethoven’s String Quartet No. 16 in F major, Op. 135, also known as “The Kreutzer” after violinist Rodolphe Kreutzer who was its dedicatee. The first violin part was written by Beethoven for his friend and contemporary Joseph Joachim; the composer added the second violin part later.
The piece is well known for its dramatic opening and closing movements, which reflect Beethoven’s feelings of betrayal at being abandoned by his wife (who had been having an affair).
The String Quartet No. 16 in F major, Op. 135, by Ludwig van Beethoven is the final of his four string quartets dedicated to Haydn, who had been a great friend and mentor to Beethoven. It was written in 1826, at the end of Beethoven’s life, when he was totally deaf and had just completed his Ninth Symphony. The work is marked by its high level of musicianship and the use of humor in place of emotion.
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Bach: Mass In B Minor, Bwv 232
Bach: Mass In B Minor, Bwv 232
Bach’s Mass in B minor is a masterpiece of Baroque music. Composed around 1746 and first performed in 1749, the work is a musical setting of the Roman Catholic Mass. It includes chorales and orchestral interludes and culminates with the famous Toccata and Fugue in D minor.
Bach: Mass In B Minor, Bwv 232
Bach’s Mass in B minor is one of the most regarded pieces of music ever composed. It is an epic work that has been performed countless times by orchestras, choirs and soloists alike. The mass was written for the inauguration of a new organ at the Church of Sankt Thomas in Leipzig in 1733, but it wasn’t until 1829 that Felix Mendelssohn edited and published it for the first time. The main theme of this piece is not surprisingly religious, as Bach was a devout Christian who believed music should be used to praise God. This piece is also noted for its use of counterpoint, which involves a single melodic line being played against itself by multiple instruments or voices.

Wesley/Rutter: “Christ The Lord Is Risen Today”
Wesley/Rutter: “Christ The Lord Is Risen Today”
It’s hard to say whether or not this is the best Easter hymn of all time. It’s certainly one of the most popular and widely used, with translations in many languages. It was written by Ralph Vaughan Williams in 1916 for his Six Hymns on the Annunciation. The tune was composed by Hubert Parry, who is better known for his anthem I Was Glad (which is also used as a recessional hymn), but wrote many other hymns as well.
There are a number of songs about LSD on Spotify. Here are the ones we found most interesting.
Wesley/Rutter: “Christ The Lord Is Risen Today”
The most popular song about LSD on Spotify is a hymn called “Christ the Lord Is Risen Today,” by Keith Wesley and John Rutter. It has more than 6 million plays on Spotify.
The song was written in 1708 by John Frederick Lampe, who may have been inspired by an earlier poem written by Christina Rossetti called “Easter Hymn #1 (I Sing A Song Of Easter Day.)”
The original lyrics were written in Latin and read:
O Jesu Christe qui lux es et dies,
Qui solem et luna perurges,
Mundi lampas et solatia cordis;
Tui resurrectio gloriosa perennis est!
Mozart: Piano Concerto No. 21 In C Major, K. 467
Mozart: Piano Concerto No. 21 In C Major, K. 467
This piece is the perfect soundtrack to watching the sun set over a field of flowers. If you’ve ever wanted to feel like you’re floating in space, this is your song.
Mozart: Piano Concerto No. 21 In C Major, K. 467
Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 21 in C major is a concertante work in four movements composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in 1785 and completed on 27 January 1786. It was first performed by Mozart himself at a concert in Vienna on 7 April 1786. The work is dedicated to Countess Thun who had been a pupil of Mozart’s sister-in-law Josepha Hofer.
The concerto has been called “the most perfect and most popular of all Mozart’s works for piano and orchestra”. It was written during the period when Mozart was traveling widely as a pianist and conductor, and it is thought that he may have written it specifically for performance at one of his concerts. The piece became one of his most popular compositions, with audiences applauding enthusiastically each time he played it during his tours.
Missa Luba”
Missa Luba is a musical genre from the Democratic Republic of Congo, which gained fame internationally in the 1950s.
It was played by large orchestras of up to 30 musicians and was often performed at dance halls. It is characterized by its lively melodies and complex rhythms.
The term “missa” comes from Latin and means mass or song. The name was chosen because most of these songs are about religious themes. Lyres (also called lutes) are used in this music style because they have a beautiful sound and can easily be tuned.
Missa Luba is based on traditional Congolese rhythms called makanga, which were created by slaves who had been brought to the Congo River basin by Portuguese traders in the 16th century.
The music of the Massa people is called Missa Luba. It’s a style that blends singing and dance, and it’s very popular in Congo-Brazzaville, where it originated.
Missa Luba is performed by a group of dancers who wear masks and costumes and move to the beat of drums and rattles. The dancers also sing and play musical instruments like flutes, pipes and gourds.
The performers use their hands to imitate the movements of birds, elephants, giraffes and other animals found in the forested area around Lake Tumba in central Congo-Brazzaville.
The dances are usually staged at night in an open space near a village or city center. The dancers often begin by singing traditional songs about local events or daily life. Then they begin dancing.

Mozart: Requiem In D Minor, K. 626
Mozart: Requiem In D Minor, K. 626
Mozart’s Requiem is one of the most famous and well-known works in classical music. It is also one of the most performed pieces of classical music. The work was written by Mozart in 1791 and completed after his death by his student Franz Sussmayer.
The Requiem was commissioned by Count Franz von Walsegg-Stuppach who had been told that Mozart was an excellent composer for funerals, although he had never heard any of his works. He asked Mozart to write him a Requiem Mass upon hearing of the death of his wife Anna Maria Ludovica “Nannerl” Mozart in July 1791. The Count paid Mozart 500 florins for the work but Mozart never received this money because he died before completing it.
The first performance took place on May 11th 1792 at St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna, with Joseph Leopold Eybler conducting and Anna Gottlieb as soprano soloist (she also sang with her husband Franz Xaver Süssmayr at later performances). The costuming worn by some performers at this concert has been described as “ghoulish”.
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LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) is a hallucinogen that was first synthesized in 1938 by Albert Hofmann at the Sandoz Laboratories in Switzerland. The drug gained worldwide popularity for its ability to produce altered states of consciousness and hallucinogenic effects, but it also became popular among psychiatrists and the counterculture movement during the 1960s.
LSD is made from ergotamine, an alkaloid derived from a fungus that grows on rye and other grains. It’s colorless, odorless and has a slightly bitter taste. When taken orally, LSD affects serotonin receptors in the brain and causes hallucinations and other perceptual alterations that can last up to 12 hours.
The effects of LSD are unpredictable because they are influenced by many factors, including one’s mood and expectations about how the drug will affect them. When used recreationally, people often take it with other drugs like marijuana or alcohol to enhance or prolong their experience. Some users have also reported experiencing flashbacks of their trips days or weeks later while they are sober again.
FAQs for Music For Lsd
Now that you understand “Music For Lsd”, let’s move on to the FAQ section.
What Do You Listen To On Lsd?
I don’t recommend listening to music while tripping on LSD, but if you do, this is the article for you.
LSD is a psychedelic drug that distorts the senses and causes hallucinations. It’s not known to be addictive, but it can be dangerous if used irresponsibly.
The effects of LSD are unpredictable, but it’s generally safe when used in controlled settings with medical supervision.
What Do You Listen To On Lsd?
There are many songs about LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) or other drugs in general. However, there’s no one song that should be played on LSD because everyone reacts differently to drugs.
Lsd is a powerful psychedelic drug. It is known for its ability to alter your perception, and for making people feel like they can see colors more vividly, or even hear colors.
It also has an emotional component that can make you feel like your emotions are exaggerated.
One of the things people often associate with lsd is music.
What Do You Listen To On Lsd?
Music on lsd can be incredibly powerful and emotional, but it’s also very personal. What works for me may not work for you and vice versa!
The best way to find out what music works for you is to experiment and see what happens!
Is It Good To Listen To Music On Acid?
It’s a question that’s been asked for decades: is it good to listen to music on acid? And the answer is, it depends.
If you’re just looking to have a good time, then by all means, throw on your favorite album and go wild. But if you’re going into the experience with clear intentions, then this is something that should be decided beforehand.
Music can be an extremely powerful tool when used in conjunction with LSD. It can help direct the trip and bring up certain emotions or memories. If you’re looking for spiritual enlightenment or are trying to achieve some sort of specific outcome, then music can be an excellent aid in this process.
However, if you aren’t using music as a tool or guide, then it may not be necessary at all. In fact, some people argue that listening to music while on LSD can actually hinder one’s trip because it can distract them from what is happening within themselves.
What Is A Psychedelic Song?
What Is A Psychedelic Song?
Psychedelic music is a style of rock music that evolved in the 1960s and reached its height in the late 1960s. The word psychedelic is derived from the Greek words “psyche” (mind) and “delos” (visible), hence “mind-manifesting”. Psychedelic music is known for its intense electronic effects, bizarre drug references, and a distinctive sound that often features extended instrumentals. The style was pioneered by such acts as Pink Floyd, Jefferson Airplane and Jimi Hendrix.
The term “psychedelic” has been applied to other genres since it was coined in the mid-’60s. The term “space rock” is sometimes used to describe this genre.
A psychedelic song is a song that uses psychedelic music techniques. The techniques used in psychedelic music include drone, phasing, echoing, sound effects and unusual instrumentation. Psychedelic music is often associated with the hippie movement of the 1960s and 1970s.
The first psychedelic song was “The Girl I Left Behind Me,” which was written by Thomas S. Allen and Johnathan Swift around 1760 to celebrate a British victory over France in the Seven Years War. The British were playing the song at their victory celebration when Americans heard it and asked for copies of it so they could play it themselves. The song became popular among American troops during their war against Great Britain during the American Revolution (1775-1783).
In addition to “The Girl I Left Behind Me,” other early psychedelic songs included “Yankee Doodle Dandy” (1812), “Hail Columbia” (1815) and “The Star Spangled Banner” (1814).
What Songs Did Acid Write?
The Beatles, The Beach Boys and Pink Floyd are among the artists who have written songs about LSD.
The Beatles – “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds”
In 1967, The Beatles released their song “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.” The song title was said to be inspired by a drawing made by John Lennon’s four-year-old son Julian. It was rumored that Lucy was actually a reference to LSD but this has never been confirmed.
The Beach Boys – “I’m Waiting For The Day”
The Beach Boys’ 1966 song “I’m Waiting For The Day” is about the singer waiting for his dealer to arrive so he can purchase some acid.
Pink Floyd – “Bike”
Pink Floyd’s 1967 song “Bike” describes an acid trip gone wrong when one of the band members takes too much LSD and dies during one of their concerts.
While the Beatles are credited with popularizing LSD, the drug was actually first synthesized in 1938 by Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann. Hofmann accidentally ingested the chemical in 1943 and experienced “an uninterrupted stream of fantastic images of extraordinary plasticity and vividness and accompanied by an intense kaleidoscopic play of colors.”
After his discovery, Hofmann became interested in using LSD as a psychiatric tool to treat anxiety disorders. He tested it on himself and found that it produced “an altered state of consciousness with emotional and sensuous overtones” as well as a “feeling of being detached from one’s body.”
The effects of acid were also tested on animals. In the 1950s, scientists at Stanford University used LSD on goats to study their blood pressure responses to stressors such as noise and bright lights. They found that when given LSD, the goats’ blood pressure decreased significantly while they were under stress.
What Instruments Are Used In Psychedelic Rock?
Psychedelic rock is a style of rock music inspired by psychedelic culture and attempts to replicate the effects of hallucinogenic drugs. It emerged in the 1960s among British and American musicians, as part of the wider counterculture, before evolving into a variety of different styles in the mid-1970s. Psychedelic rock was closely related to the progressive rock movement of the same era, but differed by having a darker and more abrasive sound that came from its instrumental use of guitar distortion, feedback, and phasing effects. Psychedelic rock incorporates elements of blues, folk, acid rock, and electronic music.
The term “psychedelic” was coined in 1956 by psychiatrist Humphry Osmond as an alternative descriptor for hallucinogenic experiences derived from drugs such as mescaline. Seeking to avoid law enforcement attention and regulatory restrictions on medical use of hallucinogens—and their potential to be used for nonmedical purposes—Osmond suggested other terms such as “phanerothyme”, “novelty”, or simply “psychedelics”. His hope was that one day everyone would be able to obtain such experiences with the help of psychedelic therapy.
When Was The First Bicycle Day?
LSD is a potent hallucinogenic drug that induces visual distortions, euphoria and altered thinking.
LSD was discovered in 1938 by Swiss chemist Dr Albert Hofmann as part of his research into a blood-pressure lowering substance derived from ergot fungus. He accidentally ingested the substance and experienced intense hallucinations.
LSD was originally used in psychiatry as a treatment for schizophrenia, but was discontinued due to its unpredictable effects on patients. In the 1960s, LSD became popular as a recreational drug among young people because of its psychedelic effects.
The first Bicycle Day was held at Stanford University on 19 April 1966. Researchers tried lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in various forms, including tablets, capsules and liquid drops. The drug was given to volunteers under carefully controlled conditions in order to assess its potential for treating alcoholics and other addicts.
May 19 is Bicycle Day, and this year is a special one. The first “bicycle day” was on May 19, 1943, when Albert Hofmann took the first LSD trip ever.
Hofmann was working for Sandoz Pharmaceuticals at the time, and he’d been tasked with isolating lysergic acid from ergot. He combined it with water and allowed it to evaporate, producing a white powder that he suspected might be lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD).
In the lab notes for Bicycle Day, it says that Hofmann decided to try some himself: “16:00: Intense dizziness, feeling of fatigue, visual distortions, symptoms of paralysis, desire to laugh.”
At which point he went home and had a meal. Then things got interesting: “19:00: Visual disturbances; everything in motion; has difficulty in walking; trunk and extremities feel weak; has thoughts of self-destruction.”
He later wrote that he felt like he’d been “teleported into another universe,” then went to bed at 20:30 — only to wake up at 22:00 with terrifying hallucinations so intense he called his boss for help.
Conclusion for Music For Lsd
This playlist of music for lsd is designed to heighten your senses and bring about a range of emotions and experiences. Although other, more potent hallucinogens exist, lsd is known for its sensory effects that are often described as euphoric. These songs, most of them instrumental tracks with minimal lyrics, can be an excellent soundtrack to accompany your high. Instead of having one long list, we have divided this up into three categories: trippy instrumentals, relaxing tracks, and songs with psychedelic elements (which we describe as songs that capture the essence of LSD).
Thank you for reading, and I hope you get the point of “Music For Lsd”. If not, please contact me or leave a comment below. I would be pleased to help in any way I can.